This Saturday (21.11.2020) at 11.30 a.m. Business Agency organized an online interactive webinar, where we talked about several methods for generating business ideas and presented two already proven successful in Finland and Madeira innovative businesses, which, in our opinion, have a future in Varna as well! We learned about them from our project partners: Interreg Europe CECI and Interreg Europe Carpe Digem.
After explaining how ideas are generated and what the first steps are, we introduced the MIRO platform, where we demonstrated an already built MIND MAP, focusing on the theme of "Engaging citizens in the circular economy". We then discussed the method of introducing changes in the business, through the SCAMPER method using as an example the techniques that McDonalds used.
We hope we've inspired someone to develop them here and helped participants start something of their own!
Those who missed the webinar can watch it here and download the presentation.