
The webinar on supporting tourism through digital transformations attracted the interest of 200 experts!

On November 4, around 200 experts from nearly 20 European countries gathered to join a webinar hosted by the CARPE DIGEM partnership and stakeholders from the regions covered by the partnership. The topic was related to digital innovation and tourism development in the challenging environment of the COVID 19 crisis. The main topics covered were the driving force of the coronavirus outbreak, climate change and the Green Deal, the links between safety, security and well-being and digital innovation. Emphasis was placed on sustainability and digital innovation and how to optimize the impact on local economies, communities and the environment. Politicians shared their ideas on how policy is evolving to meet the challenges - snapshots of policy change and strategies from CARPE DIGEM partners were presented by representatives of political institutions. The webinar ended with an interactive session. The full recording is available here:

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