
Meeting of interested parties CECI - Varna, January 26, 2022.

CECI Hybrid Stakeholder Meeting - Involvement of citizens in implementing the circular economy took place in the Art Salon of Radio Varna on January 26, 2022. In addition to being present, the zoom platform included representatives of the non-governmental sector, businesses, experts from the environmental department of the municipality of Varna, and citizens.

In CECI, eight partners from six countries - Belgium, Bulgaria, the representation of the innovative "Business Agency" from Varna, Spain, Finland, France, and the Czech Republic share a common interest in the inclusion of citizens in the circular economy through knowledge transfer for services and sharing solutions, their aim is to improve and develop the regional policies through serious citizen participation.
During the meeting, the project team proposed concrete steps, some of who, inspired by the Development Roadmap of the Finnish city of Lahti, which was declared the Green Capital of Europe in 2021. The chairman of the association "Business Agency" Silvia Stumpf presented the facts about circular use of materials in Bulgaria. According to the latest Eurostat study on the use of materials in the EU which indicate that the level of circularity in our country is improving compared to 2019, but the country still lags significantly behind EU averages. For 2020 from of all materials used in Bulgaria, only 2.6% come from secondary flows (reuse and recycling). Our country, together with Romania, Ireland and Portugal, records some of the lowest levels of material circularity in EU. And the average level for the EU is 12.8%. The main topics; in the Road Map of Lahti are the Closed circle of materials; Energy; Bio circular economy.

A new model of consumption Innovative solutions. Silvia Stumpf briefly presented the ideas embedded in each of them and suggested that the map be used as an example that can be used in Varna as well. She suggested that in the plan for integrated development of the municipality of Varna, which is to be discussed in the municipal council, informational activities should be included to explain in detail both the ideas and what is happening in the city on the subject of the circular economy.

The participants in the meeting were actively involved with numerous comments on the topic. The first of these was about the waste tax, the calculation of which should be changed to encourage people to collect separately and consume fewer packaged goods. The issue of textiles and ships with waste arriving to be burned off Varna was also cited as part of the problem.
The participants in the meeting united around the idea of creating a public council where they could propose ideas, and where citizens could participate in decision-making, and thus start the conversation about a circular economy in Varna. The structure must be formed under the municipal council of the city. The opportunities of the non-governmental sector to provoke important issues such as the implementation of good European practices that are already happening, as well as limiting the exploitation of resources, which will lead to the circularity of
waste, offered by NGOs with activities on the subject.

Another expert commented that an interactive option for implementing civic signals would help improve the urban environment. Monitoring of the applied opportunities for regional development will show to what extent local policies correspond to good European practices. The local authority can control the waste collection, and the deposit system for recovery of single-use plastic, as well as protect against the impact of waste management. The cooperation of the municipal administration is crucial, the participants also commented.

The meeting ended with a mutual agreement to continue the debate on the topic of the circular economy and citizens' participation in it.

More information can be found here
Website "Business Agency" Association
2022-01-28 14:14