Business Agency Association Gallery
Първа среща на регионалната група на заинтересованите лица по проект CARPE DIGEM „Насърчаване на периферните и развиващите се европейски региони за създаване на дигитални иновационни екосистеми"
24.01.2020, гр. Варна
На 17.01.2020, в Арт Салона на Радио Варна се проведе първа среща на регионалната група на заинтересованите лица по проект Digital Regions - Регионални политики за дигитална трансформация чрез внедряване на Индустрия 4.0
13.12.2019, гр. Варна
Първа среща на регионалната група на заинтересованите лица по проект СЕСИ – въвличане на гражданите в прилагане на кръговата икономика
13.12.2019, гр. Варна
The 2-nd CARPE DIGEM project coordination and IRSC Meeting
24-26.11.2019 Slovenia
3rd meeting of the regional group of stakeholders in a program of interregional cooperation INTEREG EUROPE 2014-2020 "DEVISE - Digital tech SMEs at the service of Regional smart specialization strategies"
29.11.2019 Radio Varna, Varna
Moments of excursions with immigrants within the scope of BG EIF 201101-03.03 Door to Bulgaria one-stop-shop for sustainable integration
Organization of four one-day excursions of cultural, historical, landmarks and attractions in the region and the city of Varna within the project BG EIF 2011 / 01-03.03
Windsurfing Regatta in project BG051PO001-4.2.03 - 0802
BG051PO001-4.2.03-0802 "Conquerors of the Sea - Episode 1 - Rose of winds"
Photo session for advertising campaign in project BG051PO001-5.1.01-0034 - C0001
BG-051RO001-05/01/2001-0034-C0001 "Mission to change - social enterprise as a chance for a normal life and social inclusion"
Тhe graduation of students in the project BG051PO001-5.1.01-0034 - C0001
BG-051RO001-05/01/2001-0034-C0001 "Mission to change -social enterprise as a chance for a normal life and social inclusion"
Photos from Project BG051PO001-5.2.06-0080 - C-0001
BG-051RO001-05/01/2001-0034-C0001 "Mission to change -social enterprise as a chance for a normal life and social inclusion"
Vocational training in stonecutting in project BG 2006/018-343.10.01 - 1.46
BG 2006/018-343.10.01-1.46 "Qualification training in a profession with a tradition and perspective to create sustainable jobs in a region with high unemployment"
Advertising campaign for the newly created information center for immigrants in Varna in project BG EIF 2008/01 - 03.01
BG EIF 2008/01-03.01 "Door to Bulgaria: from immigration to integration - creation of a pilot information center for immigrants" in Varna
Hip-hop dance performance featuring Goosh and dance ensemble "The Center" in project BG051PO001-4.2.03 - 0802
BG051PO001-4.2.03-0802 "Conquerors of the Sea - Episode 1 - Rose of winds"
Тhe graduation of students in the project BG 2005/017-353.10.01 - 2.81
BG2005/017-353.10.01-2.81 "An Innovative Model for Effective Entrepreneurship"
Тhe graduation of students in the project BG 2005/017-353.10.01 - 2.81
BG2005/017-353.10.01-2.81 "An Innovative Model for Effective Entrepreneurship"
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