Identifying innovation policies in Varna region to support smart specialisation in the manufacturing sector
Objective of this questionnaire
As part of the process, our organisation is participating in the project is carrying out a regional assessment to identify what are the main challenges and opportunities from SMEs regarding the digital transformation and Industry 4.0./
The questionnaire will help us to better understand the needs and challenges of SMEs in our region related to the uptake of Industry 4.0 technologies and it will show if SMEs use existing SME support mechanism or where addition services to SMEs are required in the future.
The questionnaire is composed of a limited number of concrete questions that shouldn't take more than 10 minutes of your time. Your valuable feedback is very much appreciated.
Disclaimer The responses received will be treated anonymous. The contact details are requested with the only purpose of inviting you to future project activities and won't be made public.
Although we encourage you to respond all the questions because this will help us to better assess the situation of SME in the region, you are free to decline to answer any particular question you do not wish to answer for any reason.