Project "CLOUD - Cluster Orientation to Modern Technologies and Models for Modern Development
Association "Business Agency" is a partner on the project "CLOUD - Cluster Orientation to Modern Technologies and a Model for Collaborative Development", funded under the Fourth Call of the Joint Operational Program for Southeast Europe. We hope you are interested in our proposal to take part in the project.
The leading organization of the project is the National Confederation of Crafts and Small and Medium Enterprises by Emilia Romagna. (The Confederazione Nazionale dell'Artigianato e della Piccola e Media Impresa Regionale dell'Emilia Romagna) and the project is worth EUR 1 584 253 with a duration of 1 October 2012 to 30 September 2014.
- CLOUD - CLusters Orientation towards up-to-date technologies and models for common development
- CLOUD - Clusters Orientation to Modern Technologies and a Model for Collaborative Development
For the survival of Southeast European industrial clusters in the global market, it is vital to create a critical mass to address appropriate interventions to activate the necessary innovation capacity and promote competitiveness.
Establishing international cooperation between clusters in Southeast Europe is of paramount importance in defining common, optimized and harmonized policies and implementing concrete tools to help cluster-based economies compete globally.
In this regard, CLOUD contributes to stimulating and unlocking innovation potential in small and medium-sized enterprises in Southeastern Europe through more efficient management of industrial clusters.
This requires action in two main directions, namely:
- defining successful cluster development and support policies that are harmonized and shared between relevant actors across the territory of Southeast Europe and
- the promotion and promotion of cluster-level innovation both at the company level and at the cluster level, and above all the implementation of ICT technologies in the mature cluster
In order to support the clusters involved to reach the global level, active international cooperation is needed. Based on this belief, the project seeks to build international co-operation between public institutions in order to maintain a sustained policy dialogue between Southeast European regional public authorities responsible for developing cluster policies and build a transnational platform for exchanges between relevant structures responsible for the management of cluster programs in individual countries.
This link will also be supported by the expected close co-operation with the Marque Region Partnership Strategy on the same cluster theme in partnership with Emilia Romagna. The built platform will integrate existing initiatives in the countries involved and will focus efforts on the definition of common cluster innovation and development strategies towards a more general convergence across the region. This is also the fundamental objective of all territorial cooperation programs.
CLOUD will contribute to achieving three main results, each of which is backed by a sensitive number of specific products.
- The first outcome at the end of the project is to have a joint transnational strategy and action plan developed and coordinated between partners focusing on the pursuit objectives to which cluster development should be oriented
- The second result is to have a comprehensive, comprehensive and comprehensive set of transnational tools in place to close the project
- Third, at the end of the project, the framework conditions for innovation will be built in a way to attract investment at individual company level and then at cluster environment
CLOUD is an innovative project once in terms of the perspective of the goals, and the second time - the concept of context and its content. In terms of goal orientation, the project has an innovative character, formulating global goals, and promoting the shared strategies that clusters take to implement.
In terms of context, the innovative nature of the project consists in presenting a comprehensive strategy supporting the construction of a sustainable cluster of networks at local and transnational level at the same time.
The objectives of the project are really new compared to the limited intention simply to improve innovation and economic development through the implementation of ICT systems and increased R & D spending - it is proven that these processes are no longer sufficient and far more multilateral intervention is needed, to ensure a sustainable effect and real change in the Southeast Europe region and on a wider scale.
The South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Program 2007-2013 includes Community support for regions in 16 countries - Member States, candidate countries, potential candidate countries and third countries.
- For 14 countries, namely Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Greece, Hungary, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia and Moldova, covers the entire territory of the country concerned;
- In two countries, only some regions are eligible for funding: in Italy these are Lombardia, Bolzano / Bozen, Trento, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Emilia Romagna, Umbria, Marche, Abruzzo, Molise, Puglia Basilicata Chernivtsi region, Ivo-Frankovskaya oblast, Zakarpatskaya oblast and Odessa region. This is a population of 200 million people.